JustMarkets Rebate Scheme Based on Pair
IB Level: Brilliant (Top Level)
The following table is the amount of JustMarkets rebate per lot. Please note, the rebate amount in the table below could be lower if there is a change in the IB level, where the IB level is determined based on the total trading volume for all clients under our IB.
AUDUSD | $2.80 | Forex |
EURUSD | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPUSD | $2.80 | Forex |
NZDUSD | $2.80 | Forex |
USDCAD | $2.80 | Forex |
USDCHF | $2.80 | Forex |
USDJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
XAGUSD | $3.80 | Metals |
XAUUSD | $3.80 | Metals |
BTCUSD | $1.20 | Crypto |
AUDCAD | $2.80 | Forex |
AUDCHF | $2.80 | Forex |
AUDJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
AUDNZD | $2.80 | Forex |
AUDSGD | $2.80 | Forex |
CADCHF | $2.80 | Forex |
CADJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
CHFJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
CHFPLN | $2.80 | Forex |
CHFSGD | $2.80 | Forex |
EURAUD | $2.80 | Forex |
EURCAD | $2.80 | Forex |
EURCHF | $2.80 | Forex |
EURCNH | $2.80 | Forex |
EURDKK | $2.80 | Forex |
EURGBP | $2.80 | Forex |
EURHKD | $2.80 | Forex |
EURHUF | $2.80 | Forex |
EURJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
EURNOK | $2.80 | Forex |
EURNZD | $2.80 | Forex |
EURPLN | $2.80 | Forex |
EURSEK | $2.80 | Forex |
EURSGD | $2.80 | Forex |
EURZAR | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPAUD | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPCAD | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPCHF | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPDKK | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPNOK | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPNZD | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPSEK | $2.80 | Forex |
GBPSGD | $2.80 | Forex |
NOKJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
NOKSEK | $2.80 | Forex |
NZDCAD | $2.80 | Forex |
NZDCHF | $2.80 | Forex |
NZDJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
NZDSGD | $2.80 | Forex |
SEKJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
SGDJPY | $2.80 | Forex |
USDCNH | $2.80 | Forex |
USDCZK | $2.80 | Forex |
USDDKK | $2.80 | Forex |
USDHKD | $2.80 | Forex |
USDHUF | $2.80 | Forex |
USDMXN | $2.80 | Forex |
USDNOK | $2.80 | Forex |
USDPLN | $2.80 | Forex |
USDSEK | $2.80 | Forex |
USDSGD | $2.80 | Forex |
USDTHB | $2.80 | Forex |
USDZAR | $2.80 | Forex |
XAGEUR | $2.80 | Metals |
XAUAUD | $2.80 | Metals |
XAUEUR | $2.80 | Metals |
XPDUSD | $2.80 | Metals |
XPTUSD | $2.80 | Metals |
ADAUSD | $0.09 | Crypto |
BCHUSD | $0.16 | Crypto |
DOGUSD | $0.16 | Crypto |
DOTUSD | $0.16 | Crypto |
EOSUSD | $0.48 | Crypto |
ETHUSD | $0.32 | Crypto |
KSMUSD | $0.24 | Crypto |
LNKUSD | $0.16 | Crypto |
LTCUSD | $0.02 | Crypto |
MATUSD | $0.64 | Crypto |
SOLUSD | $0.96 | Crypto |
XLMUSD | $0.36 | Crypto |
XRPUSD | $0.32 | Crypto |
AU200 | $0.25 | Indices |
CHA50 | $1.73 | Indices |
DE40 | $0.52 | Indices |
ES35 | $1.43 | Indices |
EU50 | $0.30 | Indices |
FR40 | $0.30 | Indices |
HK50 | $0.29 | Indices |
JP225 | $1.82 | Indices |
SG20 | $3.80 | Indices |
UK100 | $0.64 | Indices |
US100 | $0.42 | Indices |
US30 | $0.26 | Indices |
US500 | $0.13 | Indices |
BRENT | $3.80 | Energies |
WTI | $3.80 | Energies |
XNGUSD | $3.80 | Energies |
AAPL | $0.36 | Shares |
ABNB | $1.28 | Shares |
ACA | $0.09 | Shares |
ACB | $0.09 | Shares |
ADBE | $3.20 | Shares |
ADP | $2.24 | Shares |
ADSGn | $1.44 | Shares |
AFRM | $0.16 | Shares |
AFX | $3.80 | Shares |
AIG | $0.24 | Shares |
AIR | $0.72 | Shares |
AIRF | $0.56 | Shares |
ALO | $0.40 | Shares |
ALVG | $1.76 | Shares |
AMZN | $0.36 | Shares |
APA | $0.24 | Shares |
ATVI | $0.24 | Shares |
AXP | $1.44 | Shares |
AZN | $0.32 | Shares |
AZPN | $3.80 | Shares |
B4B | $0.56 | Shares |
BA | $1.92 | Shares |
BABA | $0.40 | Shares |
BAC | $0.29 | Shares |
BAS | $0.32 | Shares |
BAYGn | $0.40 | Shares |
BG | $1.44 | Shares |
BIDU | $2.24 | Shares |
BKNG | $1.44 | Shares |
BKR | $0.16 | Shares |
BLK | $3.80 | Shares |
BMWG | $0.64 | Shares |
BNPP | $0.40 | Shares |
BNTX | $2.56 | Shares |
BOSS | $1.44 | Shares |
BSAC | $0.36 | Shares |
C | $0.36 | Shares |
CAT | $2.08 | Shares |
CBKG | $0.16 | Shares |
CCL | $0.29 | Shares |
CDI | $3.80 | Shares |
CGC | $0.29 | Shares |
CMCSA | $0.32 | Shares |
COIN | $1.44 | Shares |
CON | $1.12 | Shares |
CPRT | $0.40 | Shares |
CRM | $0.96 | Shares |
CRON | $0.32 | Shares |
CSCO | $0.32 | Shares |
CVX | $0.72 | Shares |
DANO | $0.40 | Shares |
DBKGn | $0.12 | Shares |
DBX | $0.24 | Shares |
DELL | $0.29 | Shares |
DIS | $0.36 | Shares |
DPWGn | $0.32 | Shares |
EA | $0.64 | Shares |
EBAY | $0.29 | Shares |
EONGn | $0.16 | Shares |
EQIX | $3.80 | Shares |
ETSY | $2.40 | Shares |
F | $0.24 | Shares |
FDX | $2.40 | Shares |
FOXA | $0.24 | Shares |
GE | $0.56 | Shares |
GILD | $0.40 | Shares |
GM | $0.32 | Shares |
GOOG | $0.40 | Shares |
GPRO | $0.32 | Shares |
GRMN | $1.76 | Shares |
GS | $3.20 | Shares |
GT | $0.12 | Shares |
HEN3 | $0.96 | Shares |
HLT | $1.76 | Shares |
HOG | $0.40 | Shares |
HON | $1.12 | Shares |
HOOD | $0.36 | Shares |
HPQ | $0.12 | Shares |
HUM | $3.80 | Shares |
IBE | $0.16 | Shares |
IBM | $0.48 | Shares |
ILMN | $3.80 | Shares |
INTC | $0.29 | Shares |
ITX | $0.40 | Shares |
JNJ | $0.48 | Shares |
JPM | $0.20 | Shares |
KO | $0.32 | Shares |
LHAG | $0.12 | Shares |
LMT | $3.80 | Shares |
LVMH | $3.80 | Shares |
LYFT | $0.32 | Shares |
MA | $3.80 | Shares |
MAP | $0.05 | Shares |
MBG | $0.48 | Shares |
MCD | $2.08 | Shares |
MCHP | $0.32 | Shares |
MDLZ | $0.36 | Shares |
META | $0.80 | Shares |
ML | $0.24 | Shares |
MMM | $0.64 | Shares |
MRNA | $1.60 | Shares |
MRVL | $0.24 | Shares |
MS | $0.56 | Shares |
MSFT | $0.56 | Shares |
NEM | $0.40 | Shares |
NFLX | $3.60 | Shares |
NKE | $0.48 | Shares |
NKLA | $0.29 | Shares |
NVDA | $1.28 | Shares |
OR | $2.24 | Shares |
ORCL | $0.48 | Shares |
PEP | $0.64 | Shares |
PFE | $0.32 | Shares |
PG | $0.48 | Shares |
PINS | $0.29 | Shares |
PIRC | $0.12 | Shares |
PLTR | $0.29 | Shares |
PM | $0.36 | Shares |
PUM | $1.28 | Shares |
PYPL | $0.24 | Shares |
QCOM | $0.56 | Shares |
RACE | $3.80 | Shares |
REP | $0.20 | Shares |
RL | $3.20 | Shares |
RNO | $0.32 | Shares |
RYAAY | $2.40 | Shares |
SAN | $0.05 | Shares |
SBUX | $0.32 | Shares |
SIEGn | $0.96 | Shares |
SNAP | $0.29 | Shares |
SOGN | $0.20 | Shares |
SPCE | $0.29 | Shares |
SPOT | $2.56 | Shares |
SW | $0.96 | Shares |
T | $0.29 | Shares |
TEAM | $3.80 | Shares |
TEF | $0.05 | Shares |
TEVA | $0.32 | Shares |
TLRY | $0.32 | Shares |
TM | $2.80 | Shares |
TME | $0.29 | Shares |
TMUS | $0.48 | Shares |
TOTF | $0.40 | Shares |
TRIP | $0.32 | Shares |
TSLA | $0.56 | Shares |
TUI1 | $1.60 | Shares |
UBER | $0.32 | Shares |
UBI | $0.48 | Shares |
UCG | $0.20 | Shares |
UPWK | $0.24 | Shares |
V | $0.80 | Shares |
VFC | $0.16 | Shares |
VOD | $0.32 | Shares |
VOWG_p | $3.80 | Shares |
VZ | $0.32 | Shares |
WFC | $0.32 | Shares |
WIX | $3.60 | Shares |
WMT | $0.56 | Shares |
WYNN | $1.12 | Shares |
XOM | $0.32 | Shares |
XRX | $1.92 | Shares |
YELP | $0.56 | Shares |
ZM | $0.72 | Shares |